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Grid Catalyst

Verified Connector
  • Incubator/Accelerator
  • All clean-tech or renewable energy sectors

Grid Catalyst is a Minnesota-based clean energy accelerator focused on connecting entrepreneurs to project demonstration, mentorship and development, and investments to grow their business. Founded in 2021, Grid Catalyst, along with program host Clean Energy Economy Minnesota (CEEM), recruits companies to conduct demonstration projects for technology specifically built for cold weather climates.

Key Technical Support

These are the rankings of the specific industries, technologies, etc. that Grid Catalyst supports

Business Development & Commercialization
We are capable of Business Development & Commercialization
We are capable of Strategy
Software Development
We are capable of Software Development
Hardware Development
We are capable of Hardware Development
Product Development
We are capable of Product Development
Product Design
We are capable of Product Design
System Design
We are capable of System Design
We are capable of Manufacturing
Fabrication & Prototyping
We are capable of Fabrication & Prototyping
We are capable of Robotics
Technical Analysis
We are capable of Technical Analysis
Procurement of Raw Materials
We are capable of Procurement of Raw Materials
Utility Scale
We are capable of Utility Scale
Science, Research and Development
We are capable of Science, Research and Development
Legal, Insurance, and Public Policy
We are capable of Legal, Insurance, and Public Policy
Funding & Investments
We are capable of Funding & Investments
Marketing & Promotion
We are capable of Marketing & Promotion
Testing and Validation
We are capable of Testing and Validation
Connection to Extended Network
Grid Catalyst has a strong national and Midwest energy network, including relationships with utilities, investors, private business, public sector, higher education, and other subject matter experts in energy and entrepreneurship.
Mentorship & Knowledge Sharing
Our team has the strongest expertise in business development, technology demonstration, and commercialization. Our network of mentors has a broad set of business and technical capabilities and we would share access to our mentor network with any partners in this work.
Competition Support & Pitch Prep
Our team can provide feedback on competition strategies, approach, applications, pitches, and partnership development.
Supports challenges in the Ideation phase.
Supports challenges in the Concepting phase.
Supports challenges in the Validation phase.
Supports challenges in the Scaling phase.
Supports challenges in the Establishing phase.
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Grid Catalyst

400 South 4th Street

Suite 401 – 202

Minneapolis, MN 55415