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Georgia Institute of Technology

Verified Connector
  • Photovoltaics (PV)
  • Solar
  • All clean-tech or renewable energy sectors
  • Academic (University, etc.)
  • Materials Supply Chain
  • Characterization and Metrology Tools
  • Tandem Solar Cells
  • Silicon
  • Cell/Module Design and Manufacturing
  • Perovskite
  • Performance (Cell/Module/System)
  • Other absorber technology

Silicon Solar Cells, Large area >239cm2, and small area 4cm2, TOPCon, PERC, Al-BSF 23-25% Solar cells. University Center of Excellence for Photovoltaics Home Page Creating A New Energy Source for the 21st Century Dominant conventional energy sources – oil, coal, natural gas, and nuclear power – are accompanied by problems of air and water pollution, resource depletion, and the greenhouse effect, all of which are becoming increasingly unacceptable and unaffordable. In the 21st century, photovoltaics (PV) – direct conversion of sunlight into electricity – can potentially meet the rapidly growing demand for electricity with minimal environmental consequence. The real challenge lies in reducing the cost of solar cells while raising their efficiencies. Research and education on advanced PV materials and devices will play a major role in accelerating the development of cost-effective PV. sean2.gif (12256 bytes) sean.gif (15716 bytes) To address these issues, the Department of Energy (DOE) has established a University Center of Excellence for Photovoltaics Research and Education (UCEP) at Georgia Tech, one of two such centers in the United States. The Center, under the direction of Dr. Ajeet Rohatgi, reports through Georgia Tech’s Office of Interdisciplinary Programs. The mission of the Center is to improve the fundamental understanding of the science and technology of advanced PV devices, to fabricate record high efficiency solar cells, to provide training and enrich the educational experience of students in this field, and to give the U.S. a competitive edge by providing guidelines to industry and DOE for achieving cost-effective and high-efficiency PV devices.

Key Technical Support

These are the rankings of the specific industries, technologies, etc. that Georgia Institute of Technology supports

Business Development & Commercialization
We are capable of Business Development & Commercialization
We are capable of Strategy
Software Development
We are capable of Software Development
Hardware Development
We are capable of Hardware Development
Product Development
We are capable of Product Development
Product Design
We are capable of Product Design
System Design
We are capable of System Design
We are capable of Manufacturing
Fabrication & Prototyping
We are capable of Fabrication & Prototyping
We are capable of Robotics
Technical Analysis
We are capable of Technical Analysis
Procurement of Raw Materials
We are capable of Procurement of Raw Materials
Utility Scale
We are capable of Utility Scale
Science, Research and Development
We are capable of Science, Research and Development
Legal, Insurance, and Public Policy
We are capable of Legal, Insurance, and Public Policy
Funding & Investments
We are capable of Funding & Investments
Marketing & Promotion
We are capable of Marketing & Promotion
Testing and Validation
We are capable of Testing and Validation
Competition Support & Pitch Prep
We offer our support for Competition Support & Pitch Prep
Connection to Extended Network
We offer our support for Connection to Extended Network
Lab & Facility Access
We offer our support for Lab & Facility Access
Mentorship & Knowledge Sharing
We offer our support for Mentorship & Knowledge Sharing
Supports challenges in the Ideation phase.
Supports challenges in the Concepting phase.
Supports challenges in the Validation phase.
Supports challenges in the Establishing phase.
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Georgia Institute of Technology

Georgia Institute of Technology

777 Atlantic, Dr.

Atlanta, GA 30332