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Solar Inventions

Verified Connector
  • Materials Supply Chain
  • Silicon
  • Cell/Module Design and Manufacturing
  • Batteries and Storage
  • Transportation
  • Performance (Cell/Module/System)
  • Corporate
  • Controls and Optimization
  • Recycling
  • Photovoltaics (PV)
  • Reliability (Cell/Module/System)
  • Characterization and Metrology Tools
  • Microgrid
  • Building Integrated
  • Grid Services
  • Solar

A verified organization within the American-Made Network.

Key Technical Support

These are the rankings of the specific industries, technologies, etc. that Solar Inventions supports

Business Development & Commercialization
We are capable of Business Development & Commercialization
We are capable of Strategy
Software Development
We are capable of Software Development
Hardware Development
We are capable of Hardware Development
Product Development
We are capable of Product Development
Product Design
We are capable of Product Design
System Design
We are capable of System Design
We are capable of Manufacturing
Fabrication & Prototyping
We are capable of Fabrication & Prototyping
We are capable of Robotics
Technical Analysis
We are capable of Technical Analysis
Procurement of Raw Materials
We are capable of Procurement of Raw Materials
Utility Scale
We are capable of Utility Scale
Science, Research and Development
We are capable of Science, Research and Development
Legal, Insurance, and Public Policy
We are capable of Legal, Insurance, and Public Policy
Funding & Investments
We are capable of Funding & Investments
Marketing & Promotion
We are capable of Marketing & Promotion
Testing and Validation
We are capable of Testing and Validation
Competition Support & Pitch Prep
We were a grand prize winner of the 1st AMSP competition, so we have experience for Ready, Set, and Go phases.
Connection to Extended Network
We have extensive connections for module manufacturing and the entire supply chain in the US and abroad to help facilitate the development of prototypes.
Mentorship & Knowledge Sharing
New product introductions and technology innovations is the life blood of our company.
Supports challenges in the Concepting phase.
Supports challenges in the Validation phase.
Supports challenges in the Scaling phase.
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Solar Inventions

75 5th St NW

Suite 2215

Atlanta, GA 30308